
Saturday, November 3, 2012

New Bread

We've been enjoying a new bread at home
that I've been making from a recipe in
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
by Jeff Hertzbertg, M.D. and Zoe Francois
This easy-to-make bread is delicious
as sandwich bread.
The ingredients of water, flour,
kosher salt, yeast and butter are stirred
together and left to raise for two hours.
Use a large container with the lid off...
can you see why!

The dough is refrigerated or can
be baked immediately. On this day,
I baked a loaf right away.
When I grease a pan, I use a baggie.
I put the baggie over my hand and take
a swipe of shortening from the can.
Then I can spread the shortening around
in all corners and up the sides of pans
without getting my hand greasy.

Sprinkle flour on the top of the dough and pull
off a cantaloupe-sized ball of dough.
The dough is tucked from top to bottom
and not kneaded.

Pull the dough into an oblong shape.
The pan should be about half-way full.

The dough sits for 40 minutes when baked on
mixing day.  If I'd taken out refrigerated dough
the raising time would be 1 hour and 40 minutes. 

The dough will double in size. 

With a serrated knife, make a few slices
in the top of the raised dough.  Melted
butter is then brushed or poured over the
dough before baking.

Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

After completely cooling the loaf,
it can be sliced.

A slice of bread with homemade raspberry
jam is amazing.
Amazingly delightful!

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