
Monday, March 19, 2012

A Full Platter

Work is really complicated right now with re-organization
My father-in-law calls the house repeatedly from his skilled care room 
Kidlet Three has Type 1 diabetes which affects every single thing he does
I have a friend with serious issues in her life and I've promised to be her advocate
Oh and there is a whole lot more.
A whole lot more issues
Remember I choose to NOT let my mind go over and over the issues in my life
If I do allow my mind to go over the list, it gets just too overwhelming
Which leads me to my complaining session with God
I have a relationship with God
He and I talk about everything and anything
I trust Him and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that He is in control of my life
So I questioned Him about all of the issues that were piling up on me
In reality, my questioning was more like complaining
This all happened as I was walking between meetings at work
My brain was going over all of the issues and soon I was hyperventilating
Fighting to breathe over issues I can't control but are so important to me
And then the picture popped into my mind
A picture of a huge platter
Kind of like the platter Kidlet Three is holding in the picture
As I walked I was able to 'see' this platter get stacked with all kinds of rocks
Big rocks, little rocks, jagged rocks, dirty rocks
The rocks represented all of the issues in my life
In the picture, the rocks were really stacking up
Which led me to yell at God:  see what I mean?
Those rocks weigh a lot and are bringing me down!
God can handle me yelling at Him
I've done it before 
And in His loving way, He changed the picture for me
The picture of the platter changed to see a Hand holding it
Just like in the picture here, there was a Hand holding the rock platter
See, I am the platter
The issues are rocks that are in my life
And God is the Hand holding me up
I don't have to do anything
He holds me up
There is nothing I have to carry
Because a platter can't carry anything..literally
Someone has to carry the platter
Whew!  What freedom came to me when I looked at the Hand
And took my eyes off the rocks
How about you
What are you carrying these days on your platter
Know that God never asked you to carry things yourself
He is the only one that can give real rest.
Check out Matthew 11:25-30 from The Message Bible

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

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