
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Apples to Apples

Kidlet Three and his friend, Daniel, beg me to play Apples to Apples with them. 

There is a youth version of the game but, no, they want to play the adult version.

So many times when playing the adult version they encountered cards in which they either 1) can't pronounce the word, or 2) they have no idea what the cards means or who the person is on the card.

Yet they love to play the game.

Daniel stayed overnight recently and as soon as they were awake they were begging me to play.

So we played.

If you've never played Apples to Apples, the green-colored card is placed face up on the table by the person whose turn it is.  Then, the other players look at the seven random cards they've drawn and they are holding in their hands.  Each player picks one of those red cards and lays face down on the table with the intention of trying match what was on the green card.

The person who is "it" shuffles the red cards and then turns them over to decide which red card they feel most matches or represents what is on the green card. 

These boys make me laugh hysterically every time we play this game.

Here are a few photos of just plain funny cards those boys laid down.

Did I mention that the boys are twelve years old? 
One of them thought their first kiss was would be "twisted"!   Both did verify they have not been kissed by a girl.... whew!   And oh the argument that pursued in that the New York Yankees have made the most twisted trades, and are a twisted baseball made my head spin!
It was my turn so they had to match the card "idiotic".
After turning over those two cards and having to decide which
red card matched "idiotic", I told them that whoever laid the
card would not be getting breakfast....
that made them laugh even more!
No comment here.
Boys...I was playing with boys.  Twelve-year-olds. 
They giggle and laugh and are just so much fun.

Amazing times.  I love it.

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