
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Great Book to Read

Are you looking for a good read?  Let me recommend Heidi's Hope by Stephen Goss.  I purchased a copy on - Heidís Hope
I am not a big reader.  Usually in a year I read a grant total of ...drum roll or two books.   Heidi's Hope grabbed my attention because I know the author and the reviews on Amazon intrigued me. 
Let me tell you  that I couldn't put the book down once I started reading.  And I've gone back to re-read it because I couldn't get enough of a good thing. 
Heidi's Hope is a breath of fresh air.  The book revolves around a courtship, marriage, two children that are like salt and pepper, all in real-life circumstances with twists and turns. 
Personally, as I was reading, I found myself desiring to be like one of the characters in the book.  It has been a long time since I've read a book, other than the Bible, in which I was challenged, in a good way, to make changes in my life. 
Friends, can I gently encourage you to make a choice to read a good book?  There are a lot of books available to us that are dark, full of lust and not encouraging.  Heidi's Hope is the opposite of those books.  It is like a good meal that you really wish would never end!
My endorsement of the book is purely personal.  I get no kickbacks.  It is just an amazingly good book.  I have heard from a little bird, that this is book one in a triology and I cannot wait to read what comes next!
Thank you, Steve Goss, for using the talents that God gave you to write a book that would hook me!

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