Our family room had become a storage room. Furniture from Kidlet Two's apartment(s) that he couldn't use in his current apartment was added to the furniture we already had. Furniture from The Father-in-Law's move out of his apartment into an assisted living joined our home. Oh, and the huge net you see there. Well, that goes to the Joe Mauer Batting machine that I wrote about here.
Over a period of four to six months I started tackling this problem area. Oh, and the paint on the walls was this:
After clearing a path to get to the walls, I was astonished to see many, many, many divots in the walls. Divots that I guessed Kidlet Two might know something about. See, when he was a teenager living at home, he got an air soft gun. And he has now admitted to shooting the walls in the basement. Multiple times. All over....
I spent HOURS patching the walls and sanding.
The prep includes taping and sure takes a long time.
From eggshell white walls I chose two-tone colors for this room. The paint on the right is called Cocoa Bean and the paint on the left is called Chalkware. I called them chocolate and vanilla ice cream!
Kidlet Three helped me roll on the paint.
Walls that have shown fingerprints in the past are now painted that wonderful chocolately color that will hide marks.
Cutting in...And getting rid of all of the stenciling I did about 20 years ago!
Here is a shot of the almost finished room. Some furniture has been re-arranged but we now have a functional family room.
We love this room! It is amazing!
I am in love with those colors! They are gorgeous! Way to go on cleaning up the room!!! What a task, but so worth it in the end!!