
Friday, January 1, 2010

Firm Foundation

Happy New Year!  2010...bring it on!

 Have you been reflecting on what you want for this New Year?  I'm sure you have as most people spend these first few days making "resolutions".  Honestly, I don't  do resolutions anymore.  Always at the top of my past resolution lists were to "be nicer, lose weight, love God more, etc."  Those were certainly good goals but I usually blew the list before mid-January! 

Over the past few years I've written my own core values.  These are things I really believe in and strive to protect.  Today I pulled this list out to review, to see if there was anything to add or update.  Here's the list:

  • God is my Father, Jesus is my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit is my guide and I can hear from Him.
  • All things work together for good.
  • I married my husband for life.
  • I am significant.
  • Everyone is worth it.
Probably not the list you were expecting, was it.  But these are foundational things I believe and as mentioned above, I protect.

I am such a believer in having a firm foundation.  Of planting and staking my claim to what I believe in.  Many times in the past I've envisioned myself as an explorer to a new place, of reaching the goal that I had in mind and of thrusting my flag into the ground as a visual of accomplishment.  That flag, thrust into firm ground, will stand flying as a symbolic act of my foundation core values. 

Nothing can shake that flag in its firm foundation

What is really, really cool, is that this toy flag-bearer solder, was given to me in September of 2009.  I was being prayed for and the couple stated this "The flag.  It is time to plant your flag.  It is time to show your flag and show your colors.  Where you plant this flag, you declare this belongs to the King."  And then they literally handed me this toy.  Which is much more than a toy to me, since I've had the vision of the explorer establishing his flag for many years.  This was confirmation. 

My flag in Jesus Christ is firmly, firmly, firmly planted.  And it cannot be moved.  My flag is firmly planted in all of the core values that I've declared.

Where is your flag planted?

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